My dear friends in Christ,

I am writing to apologize, after learning that I gave offense to some in the congregation in the manner I shared the news about Don Yadusky’s passing.

In my personal experience, receiving such shocking news when I’m gathered with my worshiping community, can take it straight to prayer and Holy Communion and then talk over coffee afterwards is the best way to hear and process such painful news.  And that is why I shared the news in the manner that I did.

I have learned that for some of us at St. Stephen’s that was exactly the wrong thing to do.  I apologize.  I understand that some would have preferred to receive an email notification beforehand and I promise that any time distressing news comes my way in the future an email notice will be sent.


Please accept my apology

Victor Sarrazin

The Rev. Victor Sarrazin
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Off. 520-458-4432

A Note from Father Vic to St. Stephen’s members