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December 11, 2015


Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry released from hospital

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has been discharged from the hospital in Virginia Dec. 11 and is going to his home in North Carolina. “God is God and I have lived my life trusting in Him,” the presiding bishop said. “And I believe the church and the world are in God’s hands even when it may not seem like it.”

Presiding Bishop issues letter to staff regarding three employees
Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has issued a letter to the staff of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, saying he has placed three top employees on adminstrative leave.

Former Kosovo refugee Hazbije Dullovi says ““It’s so difficult to put into words” what Bill and Genny Davenport mean to her and her family. The Davenports, members of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in  Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, “adopted” her family after it fled war-torn Kosovo when she was 7 years old. Last year, Hazbije, now 23, graduated from Ferris State University.

In Michigan: a refugee ‘holding pattern’
Congress may be working on an appropriations bill that could stall or halt the arrival of some refugees, but Bill Davenport can’t wait to welcome them to southeastern Michigan – again.

About 16 years ago Davenport and others at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Grosse Pointe Woods, a Detroit suburb, in conjunction with the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’s Episcopal Migration Ministries helped collect furniture, linens and other household items to furnish an apartment for an Albanian family of six fleeing war-torn Kosovo.

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Minnesota church embraces new ministry model, builds ‘Tiny House’
A little more than a year ago, the Episcopal Church in Minnesota Trustees, in consultation with its Joint Finance and Audit Committee, forgave more than $1 million in outstanding loans to faith communities, in hopes of resetting the relationship to one where the trustees could be a resource to the diocese’s faith communities, rather than collecting debts from them.

St. John’s Episcopal Church in St. Cloud was one of those faith communities that had an outstanding loan forgiven, and over the last year they have begun to embrace a new model for ministry, in addition to taking risks for the sake of the gospel.

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Anglican and Muslim leaders discuss combating religious violence
Terrorism, in many of its forms, is the outcome of the misuse of religious texts, often taken out of context; and is an aggressive ideology that must be combatted with sound teaching – those were some of the agreed outcomes of the 12th annual Christian-Muslim dialogue between the Anglican Communion and the Al-Azhar Al-Sherif.

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Esslie W. Hughes appointed New York chief of finance and operations
Bishop Andrew Dietsche Dec. 11 announced the appointment of Esslie W. Hughes to be chief of finance and operations of the Diocese of New York, effective Jan. 13.

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Published by the Office of Mission Communication of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
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News: Episcopal News Service December 11, 2015