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December  14, 2015


The Episcopal Church hosted a pop-up worship at noon each day during the Nov. 30- Dec. 11 Conference of the Parties in Le Bourget, a suburb of Paris. Photo: Lynette Wilson/ENS

Episcopal COP21 delegates emboldened in climate change advocacy
“We can rejoice together that, this past Saturday, the leadership of 195 countries were able to reach a strong and solid climate change agreement in Paris,” said Lynnaia Main, global relations officer for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society and its liaison to the United Nations.

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Paris climate deal: Archbishop hails ‘remarkable achievement’
Welcoming the climate deal reached in Paris this weekend, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said the global church must be a key partner in tackling climate change. Welby’s statement follows.

Anglicans welcome ‘end to fossil fuel era’
Anglican bishops have welcomed this weekend’s international agreement at the climate change talks in Paris. Negotiators from around 200 countries have reached agreement on a far-reaching package of measures, which has been dubbed “the end of the fossil fuel era.”

Prayers urged for Yemen peace talks
U.N.-led peace talks between the warring parties in Yemen get underway Dec. 15 and the Archdeacon in the Gulf, the Venerable Bill Schwartz, has called for prayers that the talks will lead to a “real resolution and reconciliation” resulting in a “truly inclusive” reconstruction in the country.

Communiqué: Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity Faith and Order

The Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order met at Elmina, Ghana, from 2 to 9 December 2015.

Archbishop invites more young Christians to spend ‘a year in God’s time’

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has invited more young Christians to join the Community of St. Anselm at Lambeth Palace.

Applications open today for the second year of the program, which offers people aged 20-35 the opportunity to spend “a year in God’s time” as they live together as a community inspired by the monastic traditions.

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Published by the Office of Mission Communication of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
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News: Episcopal News Service December 14, 2015