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July 22, 2016


St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Dallas invites gamers to hang out and recharge their phones. Photo: St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

Episcopal churches go for Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go is a game, but Christie Tugend is ready to nominate it for a Nobel Peace Prize.

“In the middle of these contentious times, people are coming out of their houses,” said Tugend, parish administrator for Christ Church, Coronado, in the Diocese of San Diego. “They’re walking their neighborhoods and public places, gathering together at all times of the day, and interacting with one another with kind and friendly words and smiles on their faces. Barriers seem to disappear. Okay, so they’re walking around with their noses in their cell phones but still…”

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United Society reclaims familiar USPG name
The Anglican mission agency United Society is to resume using the more familiar name USPG by which it was known between 1956 and 2012. But the agency is not returning to its former full name of United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The new full name will be the United Society Partners in the Gospel.

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News: Episcopal News Service July 22, 2016: Episcopal churches go for Pokémon Go