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June 13, 2016


Video: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: Prayers for Orlando

Prayers and statements for Orlando

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Santosh Marray elected as 11th bishop of the Diocese of Easton
A special convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Easton June 11 elected the Rt. Rev. Santosh K. Marray as the 11th bishop of the Diocese of Easton.

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Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 90th birthday
Celebrations to mark the Queen’s official 90th birthday began June 10 with a national service of thanksgiving at St. Paul’s Cathedral, London.

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Orlando: Prayer Alone is Not Enough: Statement from New York bishops

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Western Michigan bishop

Archbishops issue joint statement in response to Orlando shootings

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Ohio bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Massachusetts bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Colorado bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from New Jersey bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Central Pennsylvania bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Rio Grande bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Western Massachusetts bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Rhode Island bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from San Diego bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Utah bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Diocese of San Joaquin

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Texas bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Kansas bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Tennessee bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Long Island bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Connecticut bishops

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Integrity USA president

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Washington bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Southwest Florida bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Central Florida bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Fort Worth provisional bishop

Prayers for Orlando: Statement from Maryland bishops

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