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March 8, 2016


“Facing America: Portraits of Refugees Resettling in the United States,” a photography exhibit on display at St. Ann and the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Brooklyn, tries to tackle the numbers and put faces on them. Photo: Hidei Takagi

Churches put focus on refugees this Lent
When Omar Al-Bayte fled Iraq in 2013, it wasn’t the first time he sought safety outside his home country.

Following the U.S. led invasion in 2003 that ended Saddam Hussein’s authoritarian regime, Al-Bayte, 32, worked construction for the U.S. government, a job for which he later received threats. In 2005, he left first for Syria, and then India, where he studied information technology. In 2008, he returned to Iraq and went to work for the Iraqi government until once again he received threats, this time because of his distinctly Sunni surname.

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In-depth update on European refugee crisis
From the air it looks like someone has run an orange highlighter pen around the Lesvos coastline, such is the density of life jackets that litter the coast from refugees who have arrived from Turkey.

Archbishop of Canterbury visits refugee camp in Rwanda
The Archbishop of Canterbury visited a refugee camp in Rwanda on March 6, after a three-day visit to Burundi to show solidarity with Anglicans and pray for peace and reconciliation. Archbishop Justin Welby toured the Mahama Camp in the Kibungo Diocese of Rwanda, where almost 50,000 refugees – all from Burundi – have fled.

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Sue von Rautenkranz to serve as the new archdeacon of the Diocese of Washington

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News: Episcopal News Service March 8, 2016