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November 14, 2015


Video: Presiding Bishop calls for prayer in response to Paris violence
As the extent of the Paris attacks was becoming known, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry released a video statement calling people to prayer in response to the violence in Paris, France

In Paris, do we have to love our enemies? Bishop Whalon statement
Bishop Pierre Whalon of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe issued a statement in the aftermath of the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris. It begins:

How can we pray this prayer of all prayers, here in Paris, the day after?

O God, the Father of all, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies: Lead them and us from prejudice to truth: deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 818.)

Prayers and solidarity offered after deadly attacks in Paris

Church leaders around the world have offered prayers and messages of solidarity after the series of terrorist attacks in Paris last night which left at least 127 people dead and many more fighting for their lives.

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News: Episcopal News Service November 14, 2015