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November 18, 2015


Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry addresses Syrian refugee crisis: ‘Be not afraid!’
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry addresses the current Syrian refugee crisis:

“Be not afraid!”  

Often in the gospels, fear grips the people of God, and time and again, either the angels, or Our Lord himself, respond with the same words of comfort: “Be not afraid.”

Members of Executive Council and staff of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society make a video greeting Nov. 16 for council member Diocese of Southwest Florida Bishop Dabney Smith who was absent from the meeting due to health issues. The Rev. Frank Logue, council member from the Diocese of Georgia, served as videographer.  Photo: Jim Simons/ via Facebook

Executive Council members end four-day ‘joy-filled meeting’
During its Nov. 15-18 meeting here The Episcopal Church Executive Council laughed, cried, sang, took photos and videos, and worked with what Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry called a sense of being “joyful in Jesus Christ.”

“This was a good meeting,” Curry said in a news conference after the meeting adjourned. “It was a joy-filled meeting but, joy, unlike giddy happiness, is a deeper thing.”

A summary of Executive Council resolutions

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Daisy, a 37-year-old mother, hasn’t seen her three children in more than seven-and-a-half years, since she left them in the care of her husband in the Philippines so that she could come to work cleaning hotel rooms in New York.

Through the assistance of a Manila-based employment firm, Daisy secured a visa, housing and a full-time job with a major hotel chain. Or so she thought.

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Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society presents special important webinars: Syrian refugees in the USA

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Published by the Office of Mission Communication of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
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News: Episcopal News Service November 18, 2015