Romans 12: 15: “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

Life is full of opportunities to rejoice and also grieve. St. Stephen’s marks these life passages with various celebrations or rituals to help us gather together and be there for one another. Our Priest/Pastor will be honored to help you plan such a service or event to support you and your loved ones as they navigate through these life passages.

Here are some of the celebrations, rituals, or services that we can help you organize, hold, or seek help through:

“An outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace” – This defines what a sacrament is in the Episcopal Church. When someone is ready to affirm their beliefs in God the Father/Mother, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit, we celebrate with a baptism in the presence of the gathered congregation so that the whole church can rejoice together. This is the outward and visible part. The inward and spiritual part takes place between the person being baptized and God.

When someone has been baptized at an early age (as an infant or child), and perhaps was not able to affirm their own faith, then, when they are older, we invite them to profess their faith for themselves in a confirmation service with the Bishop laying hands on them and confirming their faith in God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Also done with the congregation present to celebrate together this joyful occasion.

Sometimes a person may come to the Episcopal Church from another denomination in which they have already been baptized and/or confirmed. They nevertheless feel that the Episcopal Church is where they belong now. We invite them to become “officially” an Episcopalian by reception into the Episcopal Church through the laying on of hands by the Bishop with the congregation in attendance to celebrate another member finding their home in our church.

House Blessings:
Just moved in? Just remodeled? Just feeling like you need a spiritual house cleaning? We can arrange to hold a house blessing for your space… whether that is a house, apartment, RV, or place of business. Contact the church with the types of spaces (rooms), the date and time you would like to hold the blessing (please allow two weeks for planning and preparation), and how many people you plan to have on hand. We recommend inviting friends and family to take part in this blessing service, to add their prayers, good wishes, and positive vibes. Conclude the blessing with some food and beverages to add to the festive mood.

Pet Blessings:
All of God’s creatures are a blessing to us and we like to offer them prayers of blessing and protection, especially those who share our lives and increase our happiness for their presence in our lives. We may offer Pet Blessings at events like the Pet Promenade on July 4th, or in honor of St. Francis Day in October, or during a season of “Creation Care”. We can also make arrangements to do a pet blessing at other times upon request. It is a simple prayer and laying on of hands for your pet with a prayer card that you can keep. Remembrance Cards for pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge are also available.

It is a joy to celebrate the love of two people who have decided to make a long-term commitment to love, honor, and cherish each other. Our church is happy to host weddings and receptions to facilitate those joyful gatherings. Our Priest can preside and fulfill the legal requirements for marriage in Arizona. Our pianist/organist is possibly available for music during the service.

Yes, we can also celebrate same-sex weddings at our church.

Marriage Counseling:
Before getting married, it is a requirement for couples to receive marriage counseling. This is usually two sessions of one hour each, meeting with the priest to discuss matters pertinent to the couple getting married to include things that may not have already been discussed including finances, children, blending of families, careers, intimacy, disagreements, holidays, etc… The other items covered concern the service itself and planning out what the couple wants as part of the service.

Funeral/Memorial Service:
End of life is a challenge we all must face at some point, either our own or someone we love. If you need a place to hold your funeral (remains are present) or memorial service (remains are not present), St. Stephen’s would be willing to work with you to arrange a sensitive and meaningful service to remember you or your loved one. Our priest can also help with funerals at either a mortuary or at the Veterans Cemetery or other locations.

Grief Counseling:
After we face the death of someone close to us, we may have a hard time getting through our grief. We may feel overwhelmed with sadness and pain that we cannot seem to get beyond. In that case, speaking with a priest or pastor may help you work through the loss and find your way to a new normal. Our priest is available to help you process your grief through counseling or referral to other resources.

Spiritual Direction:
Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice of having a “soul friend” to share your spiritual struggles with. It is an opportunity to bring your doubts, fears, questions, frustrations, or desires for how to grow spiritually closer to God. Feel blocked or stuck or unconnected with God’s presence? Want to expand your prayer, meditation, or mindfulness practices? Wrestling with a personal problem that needs God’s intervention but not sure how to get there? Maybe Spiritual Direction is something to try. Our priest or deacon may be able to help or connect you with others who can help.

Other Life Passages:
Know someone celebrating becoming a teenager, a quinceanera (15 yr old)/sweet 16, or turning 18 or 21? Those are all milestone birthdays to celebrate.

Know someone who is graduating? Celebrate! Having a baby or adopting a child? Celebrate! Starting a new job? Joining the Armed Forces? Celebrate! Retiring from the workforce? Celebrate! So many good things happen in our lives and many of them are worth celebrating!

Other milestone events are more conspicuous by their unfortunate outcomes… a divorce/breakup, a tough diagnosis, or having to move away from familiar friends/family. St. Stephen’s is here to commemorate those life passages also.