We believe that all Christians are called to “grow in the knowledge and love of God.” The ways that we grow in knowledge is possible through a variety of options. Here are some that are regularly available through our church:

Bible lessons and sermon – Each week in worship we hear and read at least four Bible passages: one Old Testament, one Psalm, one New Testament, and one Gospel lesson. We then hear a reflection (sermon, message, homily) based on some part of those lessons that helps us to better understand God’s Word and how it may relate to our everyday lives.

Adult Forum – On Saturdays at 4pm and Sundays at 12pm we invite anyone to participate in an hour of Christian Education discussion on changing topics. Often we read a book together, pausing to discuss what is read. Other times, we may have classes or presentations on topics related to our faith journey.

Education for Ministry (EfM) – A much more in-depth program of study that meets once a week for about 2 hours in a small group with the option of meeting in person at the church or on zoom from home. This program is a Seminary level study of the Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Church Ethics and Theology sponsored by the University of the South (Sewanee). Participants sign up for a year at a time and it requires 4 years to complete the full program (yearly commitments do not have to be consecutive, breaks between years are allowed). During the classes, participants explore the above topics, learn how to do Theological Reflections, lead prayers and devotions, and consider what God is calling them to be and do as ministry in their own lives. This program is amazingly transformational in going deeper in one’s faith. Follows the school year Sept to June.

Bible Study – We have periodic Bible Studies that allow participants to read Scripture passages either based on a book of the Bible, a theme, or a topic of interest and then learn from the discussion and other resources about those passages. Currently, summer of 2024 studying “The Book of Proverbs”, Tuesday evenings at 5pm for one hour. Contact the church for zoom connection information to join the study online from the comfort of you own place.

12-Steps for Christians – A small group that meets on Wednesday evenings at 5pm to explore how the 12 Steps of Recovery can apply to anyone not only for those who have a particular addiction. We admit that we are powerless over our “life’s problems” and our life has become unmanageable. We use several different books and share how the 12 steps help us to address life’s challenges. Open to anyone interested in learning more about 12 steps and their use in daily life.

First Friday Film Night – On the first Friday of the month we meet at 5:30pm to watch a movie or mini-series episode and then discuss the Christian principles that are part of the movie plot. Soup or Salad dinner is provided. Open to anyone who would like to come.

Third Wednesdays Meditation and Art Hour – New! Beginning July 17th at 11am in the Parish Hall, we invite anyone interested in using art as meditative practice to come. We may have rock painting, coloring, mandalas, Zen-tangles, drawing, beading, etc… as part of this time. The first 15 minutes will be spent without talking (perhaps with some soft music, perhaps in silence) as we begin our artistic practice. The remaining 45 minutes can include sharing with a neighbor some insight or spiritual pondering or continue in silence. Snacks provided. Feel free to bring your own art/craft supplies. Open to anyone.