I got a call today asking if anyone at St. Stephens would be interested in being extras in a Documentary being filmed in Bisbee.  The details are below…

Good morning,

My name is Maya Mandell and I work for 4th Row Films, a production company that is filming a documentary in Bisbee, Arizona. We are currently looking for volunteers to be extras in a recreation of the historic Bisbee Deportation of 1917. Food will be available on both days. On Sunday there will be multiple food vendors from surrounding towns.

We would love for you and your congregation to help us out as we bring this piece of Arizona history to life!

We will be needing volunteers tomorrow and on Sunday.

For Wednesday: July 12th – 7am-5pm

Meet @ 7:00am at Bisbee High School to participate in the Bisbee round-up Meet @ 12:30pm at Bisbee High School to participate in the historic march of the miners

For Sunday: July 16th – 8am-6pm

Meet @ 8:00am at Bisbee High School to participate in the recreation at the historic Warren Ballpark

If you or your organization cannot stay for the entire day but are still interested, please still reach out and state what times you would be available to participate. Please wear plain, solid colored clothes. Hats and suspenders are welcome!

Let us know if you’re interested, or if you have any questions at all.

If this email could be forwarded out to all the fraternities on campus that would be a great help to us. Please feel free to respond to this email directly, or call us at 212-974-0082. You can also direct any questions to bisbeefilm@4throwfilms.com

Thank you so much,

Maya Mandell