Various plans were discussed and ideas exchanged and tentative plans were made. It was indicated that the Rev. Mr. Lewis of St. Paul’s church would be the minister in charge. Holy Communion will be celebrated once a month probably at 0800 hours and Evening Prayer will be conducted on other Sundays according to the availability of chapel space and open time. The minister will be either the Rev. Mr. Lewis or a Lay Reader. Additional or further services will be governed by the response and interest of the Episcopalians.

Services began on Fort Huachuca in Chapel 2 at 1930 hours 18 November 1956 the Rev. Mr. Lewis in charge and assisted by Lt. Col. Leslie Motz, Lay Reader. Twelve were in attendance for the service of Evening Prayer.

Upon several occasions in personal and telecommunication(sic) with Episcopalians it was suggested to Lay Reader Motz and Lay Reader E. Herbert Ruble that another time for services might prove an inducement for a greater number of people to attend the services regularly. It was mutually decided to accept the invitation of Col. and Mrs. Frank Kellers of the hospitality of their home at 4014 Grierson Avenue, Fort Huachuca, Arizona on Monday evening at 7:30 PM, 11 February 1957 for a social evening among Episcopalians residing in the vicinity. Refreshments Committee was Mrs. Frank Kellers, Mrs. E. Herbert Ruble, Mrs. Barnsbee. Entertainment Committee was Rev. Lewis, Lt. Col. Motz, Mrs. Lamar, and SFC Ruble. The social evening was held with fifteen attending: Col. & Mrs. Frank Kellers and son, Mrs. (Cof.) Barnsbee, Mr. Edward Wells, Barbara Proungas, Jane Urquhart, Capt. & Mrs. Kirby Lamar, Sp3 Alan Forrester, and SFC & Mrs. E. Hubert Ruble & 3 children. Several parlor games were played followed by refreshments of sandwiches, coffee, tea, and cake and cookies.  Discussion of a number of subjects bearing on Episcopal activities was held. Among these were:

  1. What action should be taken in regard to Altar Guild or Ladies Auxiliary work?
  2. What action can be taken in regard to a Church School for Episcopalian children?
  3. What can be done about changing the time of services?
  4. Would a family type service be welcome or practical?  That
    is, have in progress simultaneously:

    1. Church School classes
    2. Inquirers classes (Adults) c – Worship Services.

Such services would bring all members of the family to church activities at one time and solve babysitting problems. Nothing of positive action seems practical at this time, except another attempt to put a working Ladies Auxiliary into operation.

Plans were tentatively set for those interested ladies to meet at the home of Mrs. Ann Lamar, 62412 Jeffords St. (Wherry Housing Area) Fort Huachuca, Arizona 7:30PM Tuesday, 19 February 1957. It was planned to ask the President of the Ladies Auxiliary of St. Paul’s church, Tombstone to be present with the Rev. Mr. Arthur Lewis to explain the purpose of Auxiliary work and some methods of reaching these objectives.

To give the reader some idea of what it was like in this area some forty years ago, this is the story told by an officer who was a second lieutenant stationed at Fort Huachuca at the time. He told how the Fortis payroll was brought from the railroad at Hereford to the Fort.
Those were the days before direct deposit when the Army paid once a month in cash.  Some readers may even remember what it was like to be the Pay Officer. To protect the payroll from the possibility of being hijacked by Mexican bandits, it was transported by convoy from the aforementioned train stop. There would be a jeep in the lead followed by a Military Police jeep mounted with a machine gun followed by a 2 ½ ton truck to carry the payroll followed by a 3/4 ton truck with a squad of soldiers armed with automatic carbines
followed by a second Military Police jeep also mounting a machine gun.  Watching over the convoy and providing surveillance was an 0-1 “Bird Dog” single engine Army aircraft.

Our story moves on to Shrovetide in 1957. In the Huachuca Herald dated March 1, 1957 (Price: 7 cents) a notice appears inviting all “military and civilian Episcopalian personnel” to a Pre-Lenten social in lithe Nursery School, Building 5050, near the Knoxville Trailer Court at 7:30PM Shrove Tuesday, March 5, 1957.” Those who attended were carefully noted by our anonymous recorder: II Mrs. (Col) Gloria Barnsbee, Col & Mrs. Frank Kellers, Lt. Col. Leslie Motz, Major Beatrice Chambers, Pvt. William Davis, Mrs. Ann Lamar, Mrs. Jean Watson, and SFC E. Hubert Ruble & Lea Rae Rogers.” During the social hour, the usual discussion regarding participation and how to increase it was held. Lt. Col. Motz advised the group that the chaplain’s Center was now available for use at 11 :OO AM. Mrs. Barnsbee volunteered to act as Director of Christian Education. Mrs. Ezma Collier said that she would be Church School Superintendent and SFC Ruble volunteered to be the Lay Reader and to teach a class. (The recorder obviously missed Mrs. Collier.) It was agreed to change the schedule of services as of March 24, 1957.  Morning Prayer was scheduled for all Sundays except for the second Sunday of each month which was to be Holy  Communion. All services were to be at 8:00AM at chapel #2. Lay Readers would take the services on the first and third Sundays while the Rev. Mr. Lewis would conduct the services on the second and fourth Sundays. Plans were also made for a Confirmation Class to be held at 6:00PM on Wednesday evenings at the chaplain’s Center, Building 13097, beginning on March 13, 1957.

The really big event for 1957 was the visit on Easter Eve and Easter Day, April 20 & 21, 1957, of the Rt. Rev. Arthur B. Kinsolving II, Bishop of the Missionary District of Arizona.  The bishop was honored at a dinner in the Bamboo Room of the Officers’ Open Mess on Saturday evening the 20th of April. If it seems odd that Bishop Kinsolving would come such a long distance for the greatest feast of the Christian year, two things should be kept in mind. First, Arizona was still a Missionary District and there weren’t as many churches as there are today. Second, Bishop Kinsolving was formerly chaplain of the United States Military Academy from 1926 to 1933. So, he probably had a “soft spot” for the Army and liked to visit Fort Huachuca. He was also Dean of the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Garden City, Long Island from 1933 to 1940 and rector of Calvary Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh from 1940 to 1945. The primary reason for the visit, however, was that he was invited to be the guest speaker at Fort Huachuca1s Easter Sunrise Service. The service was broadcast live at 6:00AM on Easter Day throughout southeastern Arizona via eight
cooperating radio stations with the originating station being the newly licensed Sierra Vista station KHFH.


