Canon Megan Traquair Elected 8th Bishop of
the Diocese of Northern California
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am overjoyed and delighted to announce that our Canon to the Ordinary, The Rev. Canon Megan Traquair, was elected this past Saturday as the Eighth Bishop of Northern California!
Canon Megan has been in our Diocese for 17 years in several positions. In her role as Canon to the Ordinary for the past 5 years, our Diocese has been blessed with Megan’s wisdom and guidance, especially in the areas of clergy deployment and congregational development. We are now happy to share those gifts with the larger church.
She will be leaving us around the first half of May and be consecrated in Sacramento on Saturday, June 29th. I look forward to attending that event.
I know that you will want to take time in the next two months to thank Canon Megan personally for her excellent work and wish her God’s speed in her new ministry!
The Diocese of Northern California released this statement:
The Reverend Canon Megan M. Traquair was elected the eighth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California at the diocese’s Special Electing Convention on Saturday, Feb. 9, at Faith Episcopal Church, Cameron Park.
Rev. Canon Megan was elected on the third ballot with a vote of 151 lay delegates and 85 clergy. To be elected required a majority of both orders on the same ballot. The other candidates were The Rev. Matthew D. Cowden, The Rev. Christopher Brooke Craun, The Rev. Canon Andrea McMillin, and The Rev. Randall R. Warren.
Notified of the election results, Megan said, “It is with joy and gratitude that I accept your call to serve as the Eighth Bishop of the Diocese Northern California. I thank the Search, Transition and Standing Committees for their careful preparations and loving-kindness during these months. Dozens of your leaders put in sacrificial amounts of time and energy to help the Diocese arrive at a common mind in Christ. I am grateful. You are all – members, clergy and churches – very much in my prayers. Philip and I are excited to make our home with you in Northern California. This summer, by the grace of God, we will begin to practice the Jesus Movement together – in faith, reconciliation and service.”