More than 50 breaks in the levees that hold water out of New Orleans caused 80 percent of the metropolitan area to flood on Aug. 29, 2005. Photo: Jocelyn Augustino/Federal Emergency Management Agency
Out of Deep Waters: Gulf Coast, Episcopal Church remembers Katrina
It was Sunday; just six days after Hurricane Katrina had ripped a swath of death and destruction across the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Mississippi. It was time for church.
Video: Friends who grew up with Jonathan Daniels reflect on his life
As part of a weekend commemoration of Jonathan Daniels’ martyrdom on Aug. 20, 1965, a group of his early friends gathered at his home parish, St. James Episcopal Church, on Aug. 22 to reminisce during a public panel discussion about the seminarian and civil rights worker who was killed when he was 26 years old.
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