St. Stephen’s is hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday August 27th from 10 in the morning until 3:30 pm

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Here are some informational bullets from the Red Cross….

  • We’re in an emergency need for blood right now. Blood is going out far faster than it is coming in and this can have an immediate impact on patient care.
  • The need for blood is constant. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.
  • Blood can be safely donated every 56 days and Power Reds can be donated every 112 days.
  • Donated blood is perishable. Red blood cells have a shelf life of only 42 days.
  • All presenting donors will receive a free t-shirt, and a $5 Amazon gift card.
Red Cross Blood Drive at St. Stephen’s – Aug 27 10am – 3:30pm