Scam Alert

The scammers are trying again:  Rev. Allison  nor any of the church’s officers would never and will never as you to buy gift cards…

Analisys of a scam….This is a copy of  a recent SCAM Email….

From:  Rev. Allison  Cornell <>   Note: the email address.  It is not Rev. Allison’s    ***Unfortunately this is a real email address it could be your email address
Subject: St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church   Note again:  This subject does not correspond to the message of the email.

Hey Mark,
I hope this finds you well. (This just screams fake email – a common scam opening line)
Are you open to talking by email? (This is exactly what Rev. Allison would not do or ask)
I find myself in a bit of a bind and could use your help with something that needs some discreet handling. (WHAT? Come on really? The scammer is trying to sink that hook)
Please email me back as soon as you can. (And soon as you do the scmmer knows they’ve got a good (real) email address one that they can milk.)

Peace and Grace      ( A typical email closing )

Rev. Allison Cornell

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
That is the latest scam email please don’t fall for anything like this.   Thank you! 😀


Scam Alert!! ** A Quick lesson