This Event has been postponed until summer 2020

We invite children (and their parents) to come and participate in our evening program of looking at the importance of BREAD in several Bible stories including: the unleavened bread in the Exodus story, the manna in the wilderness, the woman adding yeast to her bread dough as a metaphor for the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ feeding the 5000 with barley loaves and fish, and the bread of the Last Supper.

July 22 – 26 2019

Our daily schedule will be:  5:30 pm to 7:30pm

5:30 – Gather for prayer
5:35 – Dinner
6:00 – Song learning and singing
6:15 – Story from Bible
6:30 – Activity related to the story
7:15 – Dessert
7:30 – Closing prayer and good night

Each day will have a kid friendly dinner such as:
Chicken fingers/fish sticks, pizza, hot dogs, taquitos, spaghetti.
Our activities will include different types of bread that are in the stories and we will use that bread as part of our dessert.

The last day will include having bread and juice in a celebration of The Lord’s Supper.