Special Service, this weekend From Thomas Cranmer the Year 1549

St. Stephen’s, Sierra Vista, News letter #3 For May2018

News: ENS: Group of Episcopal Church bishops adds voices to Supreme Court case on Trump travel ban

News: ENS: Pop music’s Beyoncé inspires Eucharist at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco

The Bulletins for (April 28 & 29) ready for download

News: ENS: ‘Flyover Church’ campaign invites clergy seeking calls to give Middle America a closer look

Episcopal Church Media Release: Announcement: Presiding Bishop offers tribute to Barbara Bush

News:ENS: Churches balance fear with preparation after shootings; New Jersey court rules against aid to churches

News: ENS: Episcopal delegation participates in UN conference on indigenous issues

The Bulletins for (April 21 & 22) ready for download

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