The Sunday Sermon the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost 28 August 2016

News: Presiding Bishop Curry offers video election message, encourages voting as “a Christian obligation”

Announcement: This week’s Bulletin(Aug 27 & 28) ready for download

The Sunday Sermon the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost 21 August 2016

News: ENS August 23, 2016: Three nominated for bishop suffragan for armed services and federal ministries

News: ENS August 19, 2016: ‘Farming ministry sows seeds of rebirth’ / Episcopal Peace Fellowship endorses Black Lives’ policy platform

Announcement: This week’s Bulletin(Aug 20 & 21) ready for download

The Sunday Sermon the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost 14 August 2016

News: Episcopal News Service August 15, 2016: Presiding Bishop names Rebecca Linder Blachly as director of government relations / New York church answers bishop’s call to assist refugees

Announcement: This week’s Bulletin(Aug 13 & 14) ready for download

The Sunday Sermon the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost 7 August 2016

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