Feast of Mechthild of Magdeburg: In Trinity Sunday week, 29 May 2024

The Bulletins & Announcements for Trinity Sunday , 25 & 26 May 2024

Feast of Helena of Constantinople: Wednesday the week of Pentecost, 22 May 2024

Pentecost Sunday Live Stream Recording 19 May 2024

The Bulletins & Announcements for Pentecost Sunday of Easter, 18 & 19 May 2024

Feast of Pachomius of Tabenissi: Wednesday in seventh week of Easter, 15 May 2024

Seventh Sunday of Easter – May 12th Live Stream Recording – Ascension Sunday

The Bulletins & Announcements for the seventh Sunday of Easter, 11 & 12 May 2024: Ascension

Sixth Sunday of Easter – May 5th Live Stream Recording

Celebration of Rogation Days: Wednesday in sixth week of Easter, 8 May 2024

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