ENS: NEWS: Episcopal officials defend refugee resettlement after report of Trump officials suggesting halt to program

ENS: NEWS: Episcopal-supported NGO empowers Guatemalan teenagers to take charge of their sexual and reproductive health

The Bulletins for this weekend 20 & 21 July are ready for download.

ENS: NEWS: New Hampshire prison softball league connects Episcopalians, inmates

ENS: NEWS: DC church mixes spoken word and social justice with ‘Prophetic Poetry Slam’

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost: Readings, Gospel & Sermon – 14 July 2019

Banner Alzheimer’s Institute invites you to a free seminar: “How do you navigate the Alzheimer’s journey?”

The Bulletins for this weekend 13 & 14 July are ready for download.

Breaking News Flash! Instead of wildflower seed planting we’ll be gardening

ENS: NEWS: Episcopal pilgrims bring Spain’s Camino de Santiago to the Appalachian Trail

ENS: NEWS: Detroit ministry to offer showers, laundry services to homeless residents with help of UTO grant

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