Second Sunday After Pentecost: Readings, Gospel & Sermon – 23 June 2019

ENS: NEWS: Boston cathedral’s ‘Ministry of the Steps’ takes church’s welcome to the street

ENS: NEWS: Episcopalians testify in support of slavery reparations bill in House Judiciary subcommittee hearing

ENS: NEWS: Presiding Bishop receives new primatial cross from Southeast Florida Bishop

The Bulletins for this weekend 22 & 23 June are ready for download.

ENS: NEWS: Episcopal Church’s advocacy for LGBTQ people pre-dates Stonewall uprising

Some info on your UTO donations and where they go

ENS: NEWS: Executive Council moves toward lay-clergy pension parity for churchwide staff

Trinity Sunday Readings, Gospel & Sermon – 16 June 2019

Trinity Sunday -The Bulletins for this weekend 15& 16 June are ready for download.

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