
Dear Siblings in Christ,
The Gathering for Abundant Life Task Force met last week to review our guidelines and make updates based upon our current and best understanding of COVID-19. We have incorporated those revisions, and prior revisions, into updated documents in English and Spanish so there is now one, complete set of guidelines in each language.    {Please click on the links above to see the details}


Key changes include:
  • There is no maximum number of attendees for outdoor worship. So long as you have space for people to have distance between family groups, you may worship outdoors with as many people as you can accommodate.
  • Junior and Senior High Youth groups can meet in groups of up to 20 people (including youth leaders) outdoors, or up to 10 indoors. There is still no food permitted at youth gatherings.
  • Congregations may now have up to four singers at one service, so long as there can be 20 feet between each singer and the nearest person. ALL SINGERS MUST WEAR MASKS. We include links to masks designed for singing.
  • Church exercise and yoga groups may meet outdoors, so long as there is space for those exercising to distance from one another, and wear masks.
  • Clergy are no longer required to wear face shields and gloves while making pastoral visits; an N95 mask is sufficient.
Thank you to all of you for your faithful ministry during the pandemic. As many of our congregations move into Phase II, it is wonderful to hear your stories of regathering. I keep you in prayer every day.


The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall
Sixth Bishop of Arizona


The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, 114 W. Roosevelt Street, Phoenix, AZ 85003-1406
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Announcement from Bishop Reddall regarding In-Person restriction Updates