Dear St. Stephen’s,
Each of us needs to assess our isolation/social distancing practices in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak. Our area of Arizona, based on current reporting, seems to be untouched by the virus as of right now. This may change at any time.

As of right now, our bishop has left the determination of holding or cancelling service up to each church based on its situation and proximity to the virus. We will continue to hold worship and other activities until our Bishop requests that we do not meet in person, or we have indication that the virus is in our community.

At that time, we will either do a live-streaming limited service using Facebook and post it to our website, or we will record the lessons, prayers, and sermon and post that to the website. This will give you a chance to still have a time of prayer, Scripture, Sermon, and worship while remaining in your home.

Hopefully the clearing-out of the local stores of items needed for daily life –such as toilet paper — will soon stop. In the mean while, your church prior to the Covid-19 escalation had requested toilet paper and we have extra that we can share with our parishioners if you find you are in need. Call our office phone and let us know.

Also, if you find that you cannot get out to the store and are in need of food to be delivered to you, we may be able to help (depending on local supplies) and could bring you some meals.

If any of you become ill and are hospitalized, please let me know. I will make sure our church prays for you and I will come visit you to also encourage you and pray with you (assuming the hospital will allow me).

We are using sanitary wipes/cleaner to disinfect the common surfaces of the church each week also. Pews, doors, tables, bathrooms, etc… to cut down on the chance of sharing germs.

Most of all, if you feel lonely or in need of personal contact, please call friends, family, and/or us at the church. It is important that we not panic, that we show each other care and love, and help encourage one another. We will get through this. Together.

Peace and Reassurance,

Any Questions?

Please pass this message on to those who do not have internet access….

Covad-19 message from Rev. Allison Cornell to all St. Stephen’s Parishioners