Dear St. Stephen’s member,


Your congregation is invited to A Celebration of Camil Van Hulse, with organ music by this leading Tucson composer and reflections by his former student Alan Schultz. The event will take place on Saturday, May 26, at 10:00 a.m. at Saints Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church on the east side of Campbell just north of Speedway. Admission is free. Camil Van Hulse (1897–1988) was a major figure in Tucson’s musical life as an organist, internationally known composer, and first director of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. Tucson organists David Gay, David Horr, Larry Kuipers, Douglas Leightenheimer, and Lynn Moser will perform works by Van Hulse on the organ he designed for Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church; and Alan Schultz, himself a prominent organist and composer, will offer reflections on Van Hulse, who was his mentor. The event is sponsored by the Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.


With all good wishes,


Stephen Keyl

for the Southern Arizona Chapter, American Guild of Organists

View flyer here


Musical tribute Invitation from SAAGO