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July 21, 2016


St. Alban’s Episcopal Church volunteers work around memorial crosses to transplant tomato plants in early June. Photo: Mike Scime/St. Alban’s

From ‘swords to plowshares’
It’s hard to miss the ministry that’s growing outside St. Alban’s Episcopal Church in Indianapolis. Heading up Emerson Avenue past 46th Street, any passerby – whether nourished or hungry, devout or spiritually unsure, striving to heal or prone to violence – is confronted by a sight both grim and hopeful: Dozens of white crosses stand as a memorial to the dead while surrounded by the bounty of God’s Earth, crops that eventually will provide fresh food for a neighborhood in great need of it.

Episcopal Divinity School to stop granting degrees in June 2017
Episcopal Divinity School will cease to grant degrees at the end of the upcoming academic year, the seminary’s board of trustees decided July 21 on a 11-4 vote. During the next year, the board will explore options for EDS’s future, some of which were suggested by a specially convened Futures Task Force to make plans for EDS’s future.

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Episcopal Church celebrates Bishop Browning’s life, bids him farewell
The Episcopal Church bid farewell to Bishop Edmond Lee Browning, the church’s 24th presiding bishop, on July 19 at Trinity Cathedral in Portland, Oregon.

Bexley Seabury consolidates in Chicago’s Hyde Park/Woodlawn district
Effective July 25, Bexley Seabury, one of 10 accredited seminaries of the Episcopal Church, will consolidate under one roof at Chicago Theological Seminary.

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Anglican Alliance helps to coordinate global response to South Sudan violence
The Anglican Alliance is helping to coordinate the response from Anglican churches and agencies around the world to the ongoing violence in South Sudan. A few days ago, they convened a conference call for partners across the Anglican Communion to hear from and speak with the leadership of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan (ECSSS) and its relief and development arm SUDRA (the Sudanese Development and Relief Agency).

Churches respond to ongoing violence in South Sudan
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has lamented the latest escalation of violence in Juba, South Sudan, saying it has “caused yet more appalling suffering for the people of South Sudan.” Williams, speaking in his capacity as chair of the British ecumenical development agency Christian Aid, said that the country’s people “have, over the past two and a half years, endured the terrible consequences of a return to war and the bitter disappointment of hopes denied or deferred.”

Faith-based groups at UN AIDS conference
The United Nations’ 21st International AIDS Conference got underway yesterday (Monday) as some 18,000 delegates from 183 countries gathered in Durban, South Africa. Before it began, faith-based groups from around the world held a pre-conference meeting to discuss their approach.

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Western Michigan bishop: ‘A response to the violence of our time’

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Bob Davidson named chair of EPF’s National Executive Council

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News: Episcopal News Service July 21, 2016: From ‘swords to plowshares’