Dear St. Stephen’s Members,

Our member Sandy Dushensky had eye surgery on Monday and is now home and needing additional helpers to assist with daily tasks.  Her surgery will not allow her to drive and she must keep her face parallel to the ground/floor nearly all the time.  She will need to remain this way for the next 2-4 weeks.  And she needs to put drops in her eyes 4 times a day.

We need your help for Sandy.  We want volunteers who can go over to her house at 10am each day and see what she needs that morning in addition to putting eye drops in for her.  It could be errands to the grocery store, getting her mail, taking out the garbage, fixing her something to eat, etc… about an hour of your time.

Please contact Tim Holsonback at 520-227-4483 to volunteer for an hour in the coming few weeks.  The starting date is July 22nd and going out through August 22nd every day at 10am (if she is released from care sooner, great, but we want to cover our bases).  Tim will be keeping the schedule of who is signed up.  We will need your name, day you wish to visit Sandy, and your phone number.

Sandy Dushensky’s number is 520-226-6281.  Her address is 203 Desert Trail Dr., Sierra Vista, AZ.  When arriving at Sandy’s house, please knock on the door (doorbell doesn’t work) and wait for Sandy to come to the door.  Announce who you are and that you are her helper for the morning.

We thank you and Sandy thanks you for helping her through these next few weeks.


Rev. Allison

Parish care Announcement. Please help!