Dear St. Stephen’s and Friends,

My sister and I were notified that our father, John Cornell, passed away in his sleep Thursday morning at 4:05am.  He had been on hospice and was comfortable and died the way he wanted to go… in his sleep.  For that we are thankful.  I will be away from Dec 1st to Dec 11th for his funeral and to assist with finalizing some of his estate.  Saturday Dec. 5th the Rev. Heather Rose will preside over the worship at 5pm.  Sunday Dec 6th Fr. Donne Puckle will preside over the 10:30am worship.  If you have a church related question or concern, please call the office number or Tim Holsonback, Senior Warden, or Sherry Simon, Jr. Warden.


Thank you for your condolences and prayers during this time of grief,



Rev. Allison Cornell

Rector St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

Sierra Vista, AZ

Pastoral Notice to St. Stephen’s