Dear St.Stephen’s,

Bishop Reddall and I have been monitoring the reported cases of Covid-19 in Cochise County and agree that the recent data from last week has shown an increase in cases such that we will NOT re-open yet.

I know many of us are eager for a return to our worship together in person, but we are also sensitive to the dangers that poses.  We will put off for now our plans to re-open until our Cochise County numbers show a consistent decrease in numbers for at least 14 days.

We will continue to have a Facebook Live worship on Sunday mornings for now and ask that you join us virtually for that service.  It is also available after Sunday at 11:30 as a Facebook video on our Facebook page and it is also posted by Tuesday to our website/youtube page.

Let us be patient, strong, and wise,



St. Stephen’s limited reopening May 30th & 31st canceled