The Readings, Gospel and Sunday Sermon 13 January 2019

ENS: News: ‘The church will be there,’ Presiding Bishop tells Florida hurricane survivors during visit

ENS: News: Albany bishop is barred from punishing priests for same-sex marriages, faces disciplinary review

ENS: News: Episcopalians in Panhandle set to welcome Presiding Bishop on post-hurricane visit

ENS: News: ‘Clergy in Cars’ shows feature priests taking their faith talk on the road in Texas

The Readings, Gospel and Sunday Sermon 6 January 2019

Bulletin for January 5 & 6 2019 Ready for download

St. Stephen’s, Sierra Vista, New News letter #10

The Readings, Gospel and Sunday Sermon 30 Dec 2018

The Readings, Gospel and Sunday Sermon 23 Dec 2018

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