Mask Policy Update
Dear Friends in Christ—
Many of us have read with alarm this week’s change in CDC recommendations about mask-wearing indoors for those who have been vaccinated, and the news that it appears that the Delta variant can be contagious among even those who have been vaccinated.
I am not at this time changing our diocesan guidelines and requiring all congregations to, for instance, require masks of all attendees, regardless of vaccination status. The diocesan policy remains that masks are only required for those who are unvaccinated, though local congregations can (and many have) established their own, stricter policies.
I am, however, requesting congregational leaders—clergy and Vestry—to reflect upon what is appropriate in your context, thinking about how many members in your congregation are unable to be vaccinated because of age or other medical reasons; and reviewing the infection rates in your area. Most of the state of Arizona is listed on the CDC website as being an area of high community transmission for COVID-19.
I know that I am personally reevaluating where I wear my mask and how I interact with the world. I believe this is a moment to pause and reflect; we are people of prayerful action, and we hear Jesus calling us in new directions throughout our lives—but those new directions are always towards love, towards our neighbor, and towards our savior.
If it becomes necessary, for the health of our people and our communities, to return to stricter policies on a diocesan basis we will, but my prayer is that we can devote our energies and our community connections to encourage vaccination so that we can resume worship and ministry more freely.
In Christ,


Diocesan Mask Update!